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Brand Story 品牌故事



Staying healthy is the commitment of living a good life, and exercising is one of the must-do.
Living in wellness and taking challenges proactively is the ultimate key to happiness. It is what drives GlowellFit to move on.
"Get fit and glow well" is our motto. Being innovative yet practical, we aim to make fitness approachable and achievable and to provide adaptive products and training for people of all ages to keep the strength.

使命 Mission


The team studies and analyzes global fitness trends, and integrates functionality and feasibility to design and implement fitness programs that people can easily apply and enjoy.

願景 Vision


To make fitness a daily norm to enjoy, so to inspire people to the well-being of the wholeness. Let's glow well at any time, any place.

Management 經營團隊

創辦人Jason 林盧俊雄

專業健身教練,擅長課程規劃、實作及健身產品開發企劃。曾多次參加健美、健力競賽並獲獎,具健美國家級運動教練證、健力裁判及運動後修復研習證明。在健身產業有豐富的產品開發研究及教學經驗,深切了解全球健身產業發展趨勢, 因此能針對市場需求提出全方位整合的解決方案。夢想是使每個人都能建立自己的健康體態,延緩老化並減輕醫療照護負擔,圓滿人生藍圖。

創辦人Terri 陳芝慧
